Does Cynthia Lummis Support Crypto?

Based on previous comments, Cynthia Lummis has indicated they are very pro-cryptocurrency. Below you can view the tweets, quotes, and other commentary Cynthia Lummis has made about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrency innovation.

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Cynthia Lummis
The Biden administration’s dangerous scheme to tax #Bitcoin miners is a blatant attack on innovation, energy abundance and American excellence. Read my orange paper that refutes this disastrous proposal below ⬇️ ⬇️⬇️
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Cynthia Lummis
🚨This is HUGE 🚨 CL: “Should banks be able to provide services to digital asset companies like payment services?” CGR: “Yeah, I don’t think it’s the FDIC’s role to tell banks what industries or companies they should be providing services to.” Watch the full clip below⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Cynthia Lummis
Bitcoin and digital assets are the future. Here’s my agenda: ✅ No retail Central Bank Digital Currencies ✅Clear protections for self-custody Bitcoin wallets ✅Restore Dollar Dominance for the 21st Century
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Cynthia Lummis
I will not stand idly by as this admin attempts to skirt the law, and I will continue to fight to promote financial innovation and key protections for crypto assets this admin seems hellbent on stifling. My statement on the president's decision to veto my SAB 121 CRA⬇️
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Cynthia Lummis
.@SECGov’s approval of a spot ETF for Ether is the latest sign crypto is being accepted as a mature asset class and underscores the need for Congress to pass a regulatory framework to protect consumers and provide clear rules of the road for the industry.
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Cynthia Lummis
@gillibrandny & I have worked tirelessly to craft a crypto asset bill that provides commonsense solutions to unleash financial innovation without eroding consumer protections. I am encouraged by the House’s shared interest in positioning the U.S. to be a global leader in crypto.
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Cynthia Lummis
The passage of FIT 21 proves there is strong, bipartisan support in Congress for creating a regulatory framework for the crypto industry. Congratulations @PatrickMcHenry, @CongressmanGT, @RepFrenchHill, @RepDustyJohnson, @GOPMajorityWhip& @WarrenDavidson on this momentous vote.
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Cynthia Lummis
The Senate passing a CRA overturning SAB 121 is a win for financial innovation and a clear rebuke of the way the Biden admin and Gary Gensler have persecuted crypto. It also marks the 1st time Congress has passed standalone crypto legislation. We are just getting started.
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Voted for a bill on May 16th, 2024
Bill Name
SAB 121 House Joint Resolution

For congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to "Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121". This staff accounting bulletin expresses the views of the staff regarding the accounting for obligations to safeguard crypto-assets an entity holds for platform users.
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Cynthia Lummis
President Biden's DOJ steamrolling the longstanding interpretation of FinCEN is legally wrong and threatens to criminalize Bitcoin software development in America. @RonWyden and I have sent a bipartisan letter to DOJ urging it to drop this interpretation immediately. ⬇️
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Cynthia Lummis
About every 4 years, the programmed amount of Bitcoin created every 10 minutes is cut in half, aka the “Halving.” This ensures the supply is always increasing relative to the amount being created. Supply & demand is the basis of economics and Bitcoin is no different.
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Cynthia Lummis
The Bitcoin network has a programmed schedule to create new Bitcoin approximately every 10 minutes for “miners” protecting the network with powerful computers. This mining process uses energy to create new bitcoins, just like gold miners use energy to extract more gold.
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Cynthia Lummis
Happy Halving! The 'Halving' is one of Bitcoin’s ingenious features that creates scarcity and value, in the same way that scarcity in gold creates value. So, what exactly is the Halving? And, why is today’s extra special?
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Cynthia Lummis
Crypto assets are going to continue to change the world, and the U.S. is at a crossroads - embrace innovation and lead the world forward or get left behind. Let's pass comprehensive stablecoin legislation to take the first step in ensuring our nation is a leader.
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Cynthia Lummis
In light of the FTX collapse, the Lummis-Gillibrand Payment Stablecoin Act establishes proper custody and third-party risk management practices to maximize consumer protection while allowing the emerging industry to continue to grow.
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Cynthia Lummis
The Lummis-Gillibrand Payment Stablecoin Act solves key policy challenges that have lingered around previous proposals & provides prudential regulation & added consumer protections to stablecoin issuers. But above all, it allows innovation to prosper.
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Cynthia Lummis
The White House 2025 budget is incredibly bullish on crypto assets, some might even say they believe it’s going to the moon.🚀 But a proposed 30% punitive tax on digital asset mining would destroy any foothold the industry has in America.
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Cynthia Lummis
The Department of Energy officially withdrew its crypto mining usage survey today, a win for crypto mining and the entire crypto asset community. I will continue to fight back against this blatant government overreach to ensure crypto is not unfairly targeted by the Biden admin.
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Cynthia Lummis
.@PatrickMcHenry has honorably served the people of North Carolina’s 10th district and has been a champion of financial innovation as the chair of @financialcmte. I appreciate the work we’ve done together on crypto and look forward to passing meaningful crypto legislation in 2024
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Cynthia Lummis
I’m encouraged to see @USTreasury finally issue its rules regarding tax reporting requirements for crypto brokers…however, I have serious concerns about the rule’s potential impact on decentralized crypto asset exchanges & its treatment of U.S. dollar-backed stablecoins. MORE⬇️
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Cynthia Lummis
The Ripple decision has reinforced the need for Congress to create a regulatory structure for crypto assets. Lummis-Gillibrand is the comprehensive, bipartisan bill that protects consumers while allowing the industry to continue to drive the innovation our economy needs.
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Cynthia Lummis
Wyoming's first-of-its kind crypto asset rules of the road have protected consumers, fueled financial innovation and allowed businesses to blossom & create jobs. It’s no surprise Wyoming ranks #1 in the nation and #7 in the world on Coindesk’s Crypto Hubs 2023 list.
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Cynthia Lummis
We successfully prevented @POTUS' 30% digital asset mining tax from being included in the debt ceiling deal but the fight is far from over. I am working on a regulatory framework that will allow individuals and companies to own and trade digital assets in America. Stay tuned...
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Cynthia Lummis
2022 lit the discussion around the regulation of digital assets on fire. While the Lummis-Gillibrand digital asset framework has not passed, we have a solid jumping-off point to pursue this legislation and further digital asset legislation next year.
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Cynthia Lummis
People in Wyoming place a high value of trust in their institutions. They bank where their grandfathers did. If the digital asset industry wants to have staying power, they need to build trust. My bill with @gillibrandny will build a framework to start building that trust.
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Cynthia Lummis
It's clearer now than ever before that we need comprehensive regulation in the digital asset space. @gillibrandny and I stand ready with the solution. It's time for Congress to pass the Responsible Financial Innovation Act to safeguard Americans' hard-earned money.
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Cynthia Lummis
It was an honor to welcome Professor Steve Lupien from the UW's Center for Blockchain and Digital Innovation to testify before the Commerce Committee. WY is blazing trails in the digital asset space, and UW is equipping students with the skills needed to compete in this industry.
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Cynthia Lummis
Digital asset miners are no stranger to using innovative sources of energy. @JAI_Energy in WY is a prime example of a company working with oil & gas producers to make a positive impact through bitcoin mining. The EPA must study all environmental impacts before regulating.
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Cynthia Lummis
Do you have a passion for digital assets & strong coalition building skills? I'm looking for a Senior Policy Advisor/Coalition Builder to join my DC office and help us continue our work on digital asset policy. If you fit the bill, send your resume to
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Cynthia Lummis
When it comes to regulation, it’s the wild west for the digital asset industry. It's difficult to hold institutions to account when there are no clear guidelines for the regulation of digital assets. The Lummis-Gillibrand Framework provides clarity to stakeholders & regulators.
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Cynthia Lummis
Last August, the Senate faced its first challenge in regulating digital assets during the infrastructure bill debate. We didn’t provide the clarity industry needed then, but Lummis-Gillibrand fixes the broker definition and brings our financial system into the 21st century.
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Cynthia Lummis
Digital asset miners in WY are hooking their computers up to natural gas flares. This provides the power they need to mine their digital assets, and also keeps greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. Lummis-Gillibrand recognizes that innovation and encourages more.
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Cynthia Lummis
More than 34 million Americans report owning some form of digital assets. We’re regulating this 21st century technology with 20th century regulations. It’s time for an upgrade, and the Lummis-Gillibrand plan accomplishes that.
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Cynthia Lummis
I am working diligently with @sengillibrand to finalize bill text of our comprehensive digital asset legislation. Any language circulating online is an incredibly outdated version from March 1. Stay tuned for our release of the actual bill on June 7th!
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Cynthia Lummis
Janet Yellen is facing the facts: digital assets are here to stay. For the US to remain the global financial leader, we must innovate. I’ll continue to monitor the Biden admin’s actions in the space, while working with @SenGillibrand & others to create smart laws to govern it.
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Cynthia Lummis
Digital assets are here to stay. This technology creates opportunities for nearly every sector in our economy. It reduces clearing time for transactions, it opens up opportunities for the unbanked, and creates new potential for businesses and jobs around the country.
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Cynthia Lummis
3/ It doesn’t say it explicitly, but this is a direct attack on the digital asset industry. The Treasury Department already has broad authority in this area, but it has a strict time limit and a public notice requirement.
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Cynthia Lummis
Unfortunately I was not able to join today’s @BankingGOP hearing because of illness but I’m a firm believer that stablecoins are important to America’s financial future. I look forward to working with my colleague @SenToomey to put in place a common sense regulatory framework.
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Cynthia Lummis
It’s great to see federal banking agencies plan for real movement in the digital asset space. Digital assets are here to stay and I’ll be watching to make sure regulators provide innovators with clear guidelines to continue to innovate and also protect consumers from bad actors.
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Cynthia Lummis
New laws cannot put the thumb on the scales for a specific digital asset or against the industry as a whole, and MUST enable responsible innovation. Will work with my colleagues to create a balanced framework that gets this right.
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Cynthia Lummis
We’ve been working all weekend to come up with a compromise to address the digital asset broker issue in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework. While it’s not perfect, it protects innovation and doesn’t choose winners and losers.
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Cynthia Lummis
This has been an interesting day. Here’s what is happening: First, we’ve been able to have very productive conversations with senators on all sides of this issue, and if we could vote on amendments I think the digital asset community would be pleased with the outcome.
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Cynthia Lummis
The Senate has the opportunity to set the stage for successful implementation of digital assets into our financial system, but we have to get it right here, and we have the perfect opportunity. Let’s get ‘er done.
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Cynthia Lummis
Our position as the global financial leader is a privilege, not a right. Other countries have a head start on us in the development of digital assets. If we get this wrong, we handicap ourselves and put our future prosperity at risk.
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Cynthia Lummis
Financial innovation is bipartisan. We need input from Republicans & Democrats to ensure that we effectively integrate digital assets into our tax code without harming the technology. I look forward to continuing this work as we bring our financial industry into the 21st century.
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Cynthia Lummis
A digital asset is like anything else you might own (house, car, or share of stock), but is a computer code-based representation of that asset. Basically, you own a computer code. Many digital assets hold value because of a “blockchain,” which we’ll focus on next.
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Cynthia Lummis
We need to bring our financial system into the 21st Century. That’s why we need the @FinancialCaucus. This caucus will educate senators of both parties about digital assets, blockchain, faster payments, and how the United States can surpass countries like China.
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