Does Jack Reed Support Crypto?

Based on previous comments, Jack Reed has indicated they are very anti-cryptocurrency. Below you can view the tweets, quotes, and other commentary Jack Reed has made about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrency innovation.

A tweet from @EleanorTerrett referenced Jack Reed
🚨NEW: Rhode Island Senator @SenJackReed and California Senator @Senlaphonza have penned a letter to @GaryGensler asking for the agency to step in to ensure broker-dealers are giving investors the proper disclosures around the $BTC ETFs (which they say should be properly referred……
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Profile picture of Jack Reed
Jack Reed
.@USTreasury is sanctioning Russia-based crypto platforms that are hotbeds of illicit activity & facilitate sales of ransomware, drugs, stolen credit cards, etc. & let cybercriminals hide their tracks. This is a critical step to prevent crypto from undermining nat'l security.
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