Does Kirsten Gillibrand Support Crypto?

Based on previous comments, Kirsten Gillibrand has indicated they are very pro-cryptocurrency. Below you can view the tweets, quotes, and other commentary Kirsten Gillibrand has made about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrency innovation.

Voted for a bill on May 16th, 2024
Bill Name
SAB 121 House Joint Resolution

For congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to "Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121". This staff accounting bulletin expresses the views of the staff regarding the accounting for obligations to safeguard crypto-assets an entity holds for platform users.
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Profile picture of Kirsten Gillibrand
Kirsten Gillibrand
A clear regulatory framework would encourage digital asset platforms to operate here in the US. And once they operate here within our proposed regulatory framework, they could establish trust and respect here and abroad.
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Profile picture of Kirsten Gillibrand
Kirsten Gillibrand
Absent a clear regulatory framework, many digital asset services – like FTX – operate offshore. But regulations providing clarity to the industry and robust consumer and investor protections could incentivize them to do business in the US.
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Profile picture of Kirsten Gillibrand
Kirsten Gillibrand
The United States is a global financial leader thanks to strong regulations that protect consumers and investors. But our lack of a clear regulatory framework for digital assets and exchanges puts American consumers and investors at risk – as we saw when FTX collapsed.
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