Does Warren Davidson Support Crypto?

Based on previous comments, Warren Davidson has indicated they are very pro-cryptocurrency. Below you can view the tweets, quotes, and other commentary Warren Davidson has made about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrency innovation.

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Warren Davidson
War vs Peace CBDC vs Sound Money Censorship vs Free Speech Amnesty vs Citizenship Tyranny vs Freedom To save America, we must restore a government small enough to fit within the Constitution. ✔️ More freedom. ✔️ Less government. ✔️ Sound money. ✔️ Secure borders.
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Voted for a bill on May 8th, 2024
Bill Name
SAB 121 House Joint Resolution

For congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to "Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121". This staff accounting bulletin expresses the views of the staff regarding the accounting for obligations to safeguard crypto-assets an entity holds for platform users.
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Warren Davidson
@SolanaRiles Several Democrats agree, but few are vocal in their opposition to CBDC. Unfortunately, Elizabeth Warren seems to dominate financial services policy for Democrats. She is working to ban crypto and implement CBDC.
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Warren Davidson
Anyone attacking self-custody opposes individual freedom. They want someone to control your assets on their behalf. Pass my Keep Your Coins( KYC) Act to protect self-custody. This is the best safeguard against CBDC or default by third-party custodians (like FTX or BlockFi).
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Warren Davidson
@giancarloMKTS @JohnEDeaton1 Chris, that’s rich. Corrupting money into a tool for coercion and control is evil. A US backed CBDC would have all of the surveillance power of China’s CBDC. We just like our own government better so far. CBDC is the “one ring to rule them all” and should be cast into the fire.
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Warren Davidson
@PeterMcCormack This helps illustrate why @JMilei must embrace #BTC as @nayibbukele did. The international financial system has been corrupted into a tool for coercion and control. Any attempt to restore #SoundMoney is viewed as a threat to the globalists.
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Warren Davidson
Cash and some “cryptocurrency” offer permission-less, peer-to-peer transactions. Authoritarian control freaks dominate our federal government and seek to ban them both. We must defend freedom and they must fail. More freedom. Less government. #SoundGovernment
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Warren Davidson
One of the biggest threats to Western civilization is a wrongly structured system of money. CBDCs undermine permissionless peer to peer transactions. They can be used for coercion and control. #SoundMoney serves as store of value & efficient means of exchange. Watch ⬇️
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Cosponsored a bill on Sep 12th, 2023
Bill Name
CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act

To amend the Federal Reserve Act to prohibit the Federal Reserve banks from offering certain products or services directly to an individual, to prohibit the use of central bank digital currency for monetary policy, and for other purposes.
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Warren Davidson
@X__Anderson @digitalassetbuy @Ripple In every dystopian future, money is corrupted from a stable store of value and and efficient means of exchange into a tool for coercion and control. CBDC is a tool for tyrants, the epitome of a permissioned network, and opposite defi. China links CBDC with social credit.
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Warren Davidson
#NoCBDC Money should not be programmable by a central authority. Money should be a stable store of value and an efficient means of exchange, not a tool for surveillance, coercion, and control. Sound money facilitates permission-less, peer-to-peer transactions.
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Warren Davidson
@Crypto_DashODL @Hodl42 I have 1/435 of 1/3 of the power to spend - and generally vote NO. I definitely get your frustration, but you should understand there are at least dozens of others like me who actually want a smaller, more accountable government. Don’t bankrupt America!
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Warren Davidson
@ApexCryptoAlpha @HappyChichester Conservatives are working to extract neocons from the GOP. Neocons are now moving to their natural habitat with the DNC. These endless war people are bankrupting our country and undermining civil liberties (Patriot Act, RESTRICT Act, anti-crypto, etc).
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Warren Davidson
The Biden administration’s Council of Economic Advisors has flip-flopped on how they intend to handle digital assets. This week, @USRepMikeFlood and I sent a letter to the CEA addressing this issue. Read ⤵️
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Warren Davidson
Beware of any protocol working with central banks in an attempt to become embedded as architecture for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). CBDC is the antithesis of #SoundMoney. It is specifically designed as a tool for coercion & control.
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Warren Davidson
Proof-of-Work > Proof-of-Stake is an understatement. Nevertheless, @SECGov once again chose selective enforcement rather than regulatory action. @FinancialCmte is now organized with a new Digital Assets Subcommittee. Congress moves way too slowly but change is coming soon.
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Warren Davidson
@JKcryptobaron @CryptoLawUS @Gemini @GaryGensler @PatrickMcHenry Multiple bills that are very bipartisan (really nonpartisan), but the committee process is essential to how bills become law. I’m very hopeful this Congress…
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Warren Davidson
@JKcryptobaron @CryptoLawUS @Gemini @GaryGensler Been working on that since 2018… Congress needs action, and thankfully @PatrickMcHenry has created the first subcommittee on digital assets. In the meantime, we still have Gary’s failed approach. Change must come!
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Warren Davidson
@snub_fighter My Keep Your Coins Act protects self-custody so that no regulator can deny, limit, or make conditional your ownership and control over your own digital assets. Multiple efforts have already been initiated to block or permission self-custody. My bill stops them.
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Warren Davidson
#SoundMoney is a stable store of value, an efficient means of exchange, and always preserves permission-less peer-to-peer transactions. A centrally controlled #CBDC corrupts money into a tool for coercion and control - the creepiest surveillance system ever developed. #dystopia
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Warren Davidson
@Kevin_C_ONeil @DibbSpot You should read the bill. It establishes a brightline test to make clear what is and what is not a security. Some are clearly just securities - controlled by a central authority. Some have been literal pump and dump scams with no action taken by the SEC. Bitcoin is a commodity.
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Warren Davidson
The Token Taxonomy Act sets a brightline test to define when a digital asset is or is not a security, addresses custody (not your keys not your coins), and tax treatment. Additionally, my Keep Your Coins Act protects self-custody, which has been scrutinized by both parties.
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Warren Davidson
You know, it's certainly possible that the stalling tactics to prevent regulatory clarity for digital assets in America are related to the Fed's CBDC project... If there really are people engineering a reset of the monetary system, off-ramps with self-custody are problematic.
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Warren Davidson
@Melt_Dem @PeterMcCormack @SolGh0st @CryptoEthan Y’all are too kind. That was definitely one of my favorite hearings. It’s truly a shame so little good has been done by Congress on such an important issue. Thankfully, the market isn’t waiting on Congress, but momentum there is finally building… 🤞
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Warren Davidson
@CRYPTOisOURS @RepTomEmmer Psst. In Congress, the majority party chairs every committee, selects the topics for every hearing, schedules every hearing, and schedules every vote on the bills of their choice. And, only the majority party has subpoena authority. Pass it on.
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Warren Davidson
@cryptoCPA6 @SECGov There are multiple bills ending or reforming the accredited investor rule. On passed the House in 2018, but never had got a vote in the Senate. As for Oversight, I’m confident things will change with an @GOP majority overseeing the Biden Administration.
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Warren Davidson
People should know that there are competing digital technologies vying for the future of money. Programmable money, especially as Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), poses a threat to freedom by serving as a tool for coercion and control - blurring the…
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Warren Davidson
@TAIGxrp @RepDarrenSoto Anonymous Person: Why do you pretend that ETH had special access? Everyone, including Ripple / XRP, participated. The bill was public 12/2018 for public comment. Lots came in. 4/2019 it was reintroduced. What in the text do you find objectionable?
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Warren Davidson
@TimWhit69592346 @digitalassetbuy When their party controls the White House, both parties tend to do little in Congress that would conflict with executive branch - thus SEC likely unchecked. Mnuchin was great on many things IMO, but horrible on crypto. He backed Clayton who was horrible on crypto. Similar now…
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Warren Davidson
@Slim88684097 Correct. We drafted legislation, but even in the midst of the ICO boom - mixed with great projects and outright scams- nothing major passed. Frankly, the only major crypto legislation so far is the crap tax / reporting language in the “infrastructure” bill last summer.
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Warren Davidson
Good Financial Services hearing topics: - What makes a digital token a security? - Can any entity raise capital to build a tradeable digital asset outside of US securities law? - Jointly: Ether, XRP, Solana, and @SECgov regulatory tactics - Security, Investor Protection & FinTech
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Warren Davidson
@X__Anderson Shares of Microstrategy qualify as a security. They represent a financial interest in Microstrategy. The shares entitle the owner to voting rights and a share of the profits. Tokens they own, not the company, are the digital assets in question.
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Warren Davidson
I’ve been working for years to provide legal clarity (including to @SECGov) for all digital assets, and will continue working. In Congress, the majority party sets the agenda for every hearing and chooses 100% of the bills for votes. Vigorous oversight coming soon…
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Profile picture of Warren Davidson
Warren Davidson
If you don’t see an attack on Proof-of-Work as an attack on #BTC, you understand neither. It’s an attack on the fundamental architecture. Solana offers Proof-of-History as a distinctive alternative. Numerous others offer Proof-of-Stake.
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Profile picture of Warren Davidson
Warren Davidson
@digitalassetbuy @coinbase I also cannot explain why Congress has failed to even hold a hearing on my bipartisan Token Taxonomy Act - first introduced in 2018. Not even a hearing on the specific topic - a brightline test to determine when is a digital asset a security.
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Profile picture of Warren Davidson
Warren Davidson
A number of people will undoubtedly recognize that, “Bitcoin fixes this.” That’s only true with self-custody. Account-based crypto has similar vulnerabilities. We also have a bill protecting self-custody: the Keep Your Coins Act.
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Warren Davidson
Freedom & free markets are grappling for more than a voice in a GOP controlled by big government status quo Republicans. Vaccine mandates + passports, women’s sports, healthcare, immigration, privacy, big tech, crypto, etc reveal divisions that need resolved in 2022.
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Warren Davidson
The Token Taxonomy Act has been begging for a hearing since 2018. Ask that @RepMaxineWaters and @PatrickMcHenry notice it for the 12/8/21 House Financial Services Commitment hearing on “Digital Assets and the Future of Finance”. #PassTTA
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Profile picture of Warren Davidson
Warren Davidson
@cryptolvl9000 Well, Crypto Hermit, that's not how Congress works. The committee Chair (Maxine Waters currently) has to notice the bill for a hearing. Then, have a mark-up where other members of the cmte can offer amendments. If it passes in cmte, the Speaker MAY schedule it for the floor vote.
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Warren Davidson
@RealCarlAllen I’m 100% opposed to the creepy surveillance state version she and the Chinese Communist Party support. True distributed ledger is not controlled by a central authority, is immutable, secure, private, etc. There is a reason people say: Bitcoin versus Sh!tc@in.
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Warren Davidson
@CryptoCriminal5 @digitalassetbuy @HesterPeirce @RepDarrenSoto Great question for the Chairwoman of the Financial Services Committee: @RepMaxineWaters. We should have a hearing on the bill, move to markup where others could offer amendments, and then vote. Unfortunately, as the world has noticed, the legislature is a bit disfunctional.
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Warren Davidson
@joeyjojoagren @CryptoLawUS @HesterPeirce @RepDarrenSoto Great question for the Chairwoman of the Financial Services Committee: @RepMaxineWaters. We should have a hearing on the bill, move to markup where others could offer amendments, and then vote. Unfortunately, as the world has noticed, the legislature is a bit disfunctional.
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Profile picture of Warren Davidson
Warren Davidson
Stablecoins are not securities. Some may be, but treating them all the same would be foolish and dishonest. The Token Taxonomy Act would provide necessary legal clarity. Congress must take action to allow #FinTech to flourish in America.
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